Saturday, November 14, 2009

Its Saturday...evening

Today was a good day despite the weather. My aunt, Dee, and cousin, Ryan came down today to drop off a few early Christmas presents and see the boys. She said she was going through Ryan's toys that he out grew and brought them down for us to look at. All the toys were in great shape, we decided to keep a few hidden to use as gifts from Santa! They stayed for a couple of hours and it was nice to catch up. Ryan was playing with Christian and kept him entertained. Ryan kept asking if Christian could sleep was cute. Maybe one day but on such short notice and its Christian. He can be a handful but what 3 year old isnt! Thank you Aunt Dee and Ryan for coming down. And thank you for all the awesome toys it really means a lot to us.

A few hours after they left we had game night at our house, well it was only our neighbor Tina but...Earlier in the day I made a Chocolate Cheesecake for her. I promised her that I would make her one a LONG time ago and I finally did today. Tina stayed over for a couple of hours and we played uno spin, A to Z, and talked. Christian played with her, he really loves her and she's really good with him.

Its 9:30 as I type this and were winding down after an eventful day. Oh and how coould I forget...


I cant believe it! 6 months old already. Tomorrow we'll be spending the day at home. I have two more days of training and then I start in branch and I cant wait. I went to my branch on Friday afternoon and got my schedule for the rest of the month and December. I only work one Saturday in those two months and I'll be going to Kutztown the week after next and then between my branch and Bernville until the end of December. What a nice schedule. I know I wont be regreting the job change.

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