Sunday, December 12, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Besides the drama the morning brought, we had a lazy day. Its been raining all day. Weird though, it was 56 degrees as of 9 am this morning…anyway. Jackson came home today around 11 and shortly after we put him down for a nap. Alicia and i watched Dexter in the office as Christian watched Power Rangers in the basement. Then Christian went down and Alicia and I just hid in the office watching Dexter and eating popcorn. There was things to be done, the kitchen needs a cleaning, the laundry needs to be done, the house could use a vacuum, our room is a mess, the bathroom hasnt been scrubbed in a month and there was dusting to be done…but its raining, and when it rains in PA, there’s nothing better to do then procrastinate.

Lazy Sunday. 

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