Thursday, July 23, 2009


The new Pediatrics was awesome. It was a huge office with three waiting rooms and 30 patient rooms. It was very clean and organized. We got in and out in about 45 minutes! Alicia, the boys and I all went to Jacksons appt. The only thing I didnt like was how they wouldnt address me. If they had a question they would always ask Alicia. I was holding Jackson when the doc came in to give him his shots and she asked if Alicia wanted to hold him while she gave him the shots...I was already holding him.

We'll just have to let them know that I am a hands on dad and dont rely on Alicia for everything. I can take care of my own child.

Jackson got 5 shots. He weighs 12lbs 13oz and is 23 inches long. He hasnt gotten much taller but...He's in the 75th percentile for his weight and 50th for his height.

Click the title of this post for the website of the ped.

1 comment:

WeCouldBeHeros said...

Nice like a great place!
Some Dr's are still old school in the thinking that a mother needs to be the supporter of her children.

M's old ped. wouldn't let me near M when she was getting shots, she said that she didn't want her to relate the pain with me. I loved her for that! lol pant